
Meaningful Creations

Meaningful Creations - Edition 12

Published about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

EDITION 12 / 2024

Well howdy Reader! It's good to see you (as always).

I read a quote a while ago, and I immediately knew I wanted to share it with you. Unfortunately I cannot find who it is originally from, but the quote was this:

This really hit home for me, in terms of both my personal life, and my business. I think I spent so long trying to figure out the 'right' answer to things that I almost missed the most exciting possibility of all: that I could (and should) keep creating my life and many times as I need (or want) to. Maybe that's where my gift CREATING the path rather than trying to FIND it.

Sure, it means learning to be OK with uncertainty, and going with the flow...but it doesn't mean being without a path or a purpose.

And what appeals to me even more about this is that is kinda gives me permission to change if something isn't working.

I spoke last week about embracing experimentation in my business and this just confirms to me that we have to keep experimenting, to creating what's next.

I do believe that this is harder for those of us who grew up in a time when a 'job for life' was still considered a desirable thing. Things have changed (thank the gods!)...we no longer have to be weighed down by choices that no longer serve us.

I'm not saying it's EASY mind you, but I love this reframing of doubt and uncertainty into creating what's next. And I hope this is what your life (and business) allows you...the chance to create your next adventure, not wait for it to find you.

Searching for your message...

In my (humble) opinion, marketing is about building a relationship, building trust, and communicating who you are as a brand. The ultimate objective is to help your IDEAL customer/client/audience find you and know instantly that you are the perfect fit for them. I sometimes like to think about what the ideal terms/words are that I want people to associate with my brand. That got me thinking about how I could visually represent that...

In today's YouTube video we are having a little fun with a short social media video that kinda mimics what it would look like if someone searched for the perfect terms to describe your brand or offer. And with a few tricks and sounds effects thrown in to stop the scroll and grab engagement - this is an effective video created in about 10 minutes.

Enjoy the video on my YouTube channel now - and let me know if you find this helpful! 😁😜

Meaningful Creations

I am not a knitter...or embroiderer. In fact, I can't sew on a button without it looking like I did it blindfolded and drunk. 🀣 And while I appreciate textile art I don't really know much about it.

But I did know I had to share the work of Elle Collins with you when I came across one of her social media videos. Elle is a Textile Artist based in the Midlands UK, but was born in Canada. I just love that her works are inspired by nature, and feel so organic. I honestly have never thought about buying a piece of woven art (these are not my grandmother's macrame wall hangings I can tell you that!!), but I am really smitten with Elle's work. Take a look at her Instagram and show her some love. And tell her I sent ya. πŸ˜ŠπŸ–€

That's it you gorgeous human beings.

Take care of yourself, be kind to others and as always, keep creating. πŸ–€






Wayne Fick Ltd, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 9FE
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Meaningful Creations

Created by Wayne β€’ Art Director & Brand Designer Wayne Fick

If you are an entrepreneur, online business owner or creator that wants to learn how to create beautiful, consistent, on-brand designs & animations - using simple tools like Canva (yup...the way it's SUPPOSED to be used!) - then this is the place for you! πŸ–€. My weekly 'Meaningful Creations' digest shares insights, tips and creator profiles to inspire you and leave the world a little better than I found it.

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