
Meaningful Creations

Meaningful Creations - Edition 08

Published about 2 months ago • 3 min read

EDITION 08 / 2024

Hi Reader! 😁

First of all, I just wanted to say Thank You! I know you've had a lot more emails than normal from me over the last couple of weeks, and I really appreciate you being here.

Also a HUGE thank you to the AMAZING people who have joined CanvaOS - I am so thrilled to see how much it is already helping! 🖤

Promoting my products and courses is always a strange one for me - because I obviously don't want to bombard you with sales emails, but it's what allows me to keep creating my free content and my YouTube videos. And of course I DO have to feed the two fluffy feline freeloaders that keep me company 😉.

During this launch period a few people have asked me about how I started building my email list and my business. So this email is a little different, because I thought it was a good time to share my secret weapon with you...

The best investment I ever made for myself and my business

Building an online business can be tough. Especially when you are doing it on your own or with a small team. There are a LOT of moving pieces, lots of systems to manage and a lot to consider. And you have to keep yourself inspired to keep experimenting and finding new ways to grow and market your brand. It can get pretty overwhelming.

It's especially challenging when you know that you don't buy into the crazy 'hustle' culture, and you want a business that is sustainable (in all senses!). One that creates a better life for you with ease and freedom - not a soul destroying 24-7 job replacement. Sure, there's always gonna be hard work - but it doesn't have to mean you miss out on the PRESENT!

I was in that exact spot a few years ago, and I would not be where I am today - creating and helping people and enjoying the journey - without one key element: Wandering Aimfully Unlimited "Un-boring Business Coaching" by my friends Caroline & Jason Zook.

Their coaching program has provided exactly what I needed: a clear roadmap for how to combine my skills into a compelling online offer; how to support and grow an audience with valuable content; how to sell my offer in an authentic, non-sleazy way; and how to do all of it without selling my soul or compromising my values. 

Best of all, they encouraged me to do it in a way that felt authentic to me, and they didn’t make me feel bad for doing things on my slower timeline or for not having it all figured out yet.

There is SO MUCH to say about Wandering Aimfully (or WAIM as we affectionately refer to it): The huge amount of resources and courses that are included; the monthly coaching calls; the supporting and diverse community; access to their incredible online course-platform Teachery and the fact that Jason & Caroline keep it 100% real. They share the ups and downs of running an online business so we can all learn and we never feel alone.

For years my old business stagnated and I just didn't know which way to turn. Wandering Aimfully helped me change that.

If you, like me, want to create a business that you actually love - and that doesn't make you feel burned out and overwhelmed - definitely check out the WAIM Unlimited Un-Boring Coaching Program.

I've been able to build a whole new business, learn to take bold action instead of feeling frozen by uncertainty, and grown confidence in my business that I never thought was possible. If that's what you're after, I can personally vouch for Wandering Aimfully!

I spent a long time looking for some guidance for my business. I spent a lot of money on courses and products that never felt quite right. And there are so many marketing gurus and coaches out there that would say anything to get the sale. And that never connected with me.

I am very lucky to have got to a point where I am able to create beautiful things and valuable resources for you, and to do it in a way that is authentic to me and feels good. So if you haven't found that yet - keep going - you never know when it will click. You got this.

That's it this week folks. Have a fabulous weekend - next week I am back with a new Canva tutorial on YouTube, and some new creator profiles to inspire you! 😉

Be kind to yourselves and each other 🖤

Note: If it wasn’t already obvious, I’m an affiliate for WAIM Unlimited and receive a commission when you sign up through my link. Trust me, though, you’re going to love WAIM and I wouldn’t promote it if I didn’t stand behind it 100%!

Wayne Fick Ltd, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 9FE
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Meaningful Creations

Created by Wayne • Art Director & Brand Designer Wayne Fick

If you are an entrepreneur, online business owner or creator that wants to learn how to create beautiful, consistent, on-brand designs & animations - using simple tools like Canva (yup...the way it's SUPPOSED to be used!) - then this is the place for you! 🖤. My weekly 'Meaningful Creations' digest shares insights, tips and creator profiles to inspire you and leave the world a little better than I found it.

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