
Meaningful Creations

Meaningful Creations - Edition 13

Published 24 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

EDITION 13 / 2024

Happy Friday Reader!

It has been a very grey (and actually very chilly) week here in the UK, but it does mean I've had a brilliant excuse to put some good music on, get cozy, light a candle and listen to the rain. So it's not ALL bad. 🀣

There is a phrase I've heard thrown around a lot in the past, that really came to mind this week. I've always thought it was a very sensible saying, but I think this week I realized why it is deceptively powerful.

You see the beginning of this week I found myself spending a lot of time on social media. In my defence, it started as research, but if I'm honest it soon just deteriorated into mindless scrolling.

Now don't get me wrong - I'm not hating a social media per se - but I started to notice that I was doing a lot of 'comparing'...falling into feeling like everyone else was more successful than me, or wealthier, or prettier, or had a nicer know what I mean right?

That's definitely one of my flaws, and I'm generally pretty good at being aware of it, but this week the more I scrolled social media, the more I was starting to feel a bit...well, crap about things. Eventually I got a bit fed up and decided I'd go and sulk in my office (well...I'm being honest with you here LOL 😜). While I was there I decided to try some new designs. And an hour of experimenting and joyful creation later it hit me...

I felt better. The antidote to my comparison-itis, is to CREATE. And that's when that phrase I mentioned suddenly started to seem less trivial than I had always thought, and a lot more meaningful: Create more than you consume.

So I've made that into a little desktop wallpaper on my phone so that I am reminded what lights me up, and what triggers the bad thoughts 😝. Cos ain't nobody got time for the bad thoughts.

Besides, I get to write these emails and hear from you everyweek, so i'm actually very fortunate. πŸ–€

Lets get REAL with the digital

One of the things that is uniquely challenging about promoting or selling digital products or online services is that we don't often have a REAL tangible product to hold in our hands...or to get photographs of. This is something that often holds people back from buying online - they don't know what they're gonna get. And it's SO important to make sure people's minds are at ease, and they can trust they are getting value for their money (or time/attention).

Digital mockups - which allow you to create images and videos that showcase your digital product in a way that makes it feel real and tangible for your audience - play such an important part in online marketing. And in the past they have been difficult and expensive to create or buy.

But in today's YouTube video I am walking you through step-by-step, scene-by-scene as I create a video template in Canva, specifically designed to showcase digital or online products - with style. It's a little longer than my recent videos, but it's worth the watch 😁

The video is live on my YouTube channel now - and please do let me know if you find it helpful! I really appreciate all your feedback.

Meaningful Creations

I love dance. The combination of movement, music, athleticism and art have always really moved (no pun intended!) and inspired me. So this week I wanted to share a video that I discovered that really made me smile. It's so unusual in both dance style and art direction, but also just feels really joyful - and thoroughly contemporary.

This dance piece - to Gotye's "Somebody that I Used to Know" by Netherland based dance troupe CDK is just a breath of fresh air. The choreography, the costumes, camera's just a brilliant alchemy of elements. Even if dance isn't generally your thing...this is worth your time.

I really hope you enjoy it and it brings you a little joy today.πŸ–€

video preview​

That's it lovely folks.

Have a fantastic weekend. πŸ–€



Wayne Fick Ltd, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 9FE
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Meaningful Creations

Created by Wayne β€’ Art Director & Brand Designer Wayne Fick

If you are an entrepreneur, online business owner or creator that wants to learn how to create beautiful, consistent, on-brand designs & animations - using simple tools like Canva (yup...the way it's SUPPOSED to be used!) - then this is the place for you! πŸ–€. My weekly 'Meaningful Creations' digest shares insights, tips and creator profiles to inspire you and leave the world a little better than I found it.

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