
Meaningful Creations

Meaningful Creations - Edition 10

Published about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

EDITION 10 / 2024

Well hello Reader !

Apologies for my newsletter and video being a little late this week, but it's been a bit of a weird week tbh. 😁

I am LOVING the longer days and the brighter mornings...but this week has been a struggle. For some reason I've had one of those weeks where I had a huge list of things I wanted to do, but also just felt like hiding away!

Don't get me wrong, it's not cos I was avoiding difficult things, or things I didn't want to do. It was things I WANTED to do and enjoy doing - I just felt a little overwhelmed, and so avoiding it all just felt...well...easier.

Do you ever have days/weeks where you feel like that?

I am a big believer that for too long we have been made to believe that our worth is tied to how productive we are every day. This week that programming kicked back when I was feeling a little out of sorts.

Fortunately, I have learned that there are resources and people I can relay on to help remind me that we are all human. We are worthy even on the days we are NOT productive. Sometimes we have 'off' weeks - and even though the business still needs to keep going, maybe we just need to take a breather and give ourselves a little time to get our focus back...without berating ourselves.

After all - what is the point of working hard if we can't even be kind to ourselves when it all feels too much? When we just need to breathe deep, regroup, and start again the next day? Surely we deserve that?

All of this to say - be kind to yourselves. We work damn hard to make ends meet and make a difference in this world...but if we can't cut ourselves a little slack now and then, we won't be able to keep that up for long.

I know...I'm a tease.

OK, so last week I was a total tease - telling everyone about my free motion graphics template...but making you wait for it. 😊 I'd LIKE to say I'm sorry...but I'm not really. 🀣

But no more teasing - I promise! <For now anyway.😏>

In today's YouTube video I am using the animated Canva template for social video that I created last week and customizing it to fit three completely different brand styles. And I am giving 10 tips to avoid common mistakes and make it easier for you to make the template work for YOUR brand or business.

PLUS of course, I am sharing the link to download the Canva template for FREE - to customize and use as you will for your own projects and creations. Watch the video on my YouTube channel now - and let me know how you get on with the template! 😁😜

Meaningful Creations

I've mentioned before how much I love to see artwork and designs that feel like they have a human touch to them. But that doesn't mean that I think everything should be analogue - I just like to feel some kind of connection to an artist through their creations. And I have noticed recently that there are many digital artists who have developed a style that still has that 'human' feel.

Once such creator is Sarah Kiser (@trailbugprints) - an artist based in Florida, USA who creates prints that not only reference woodcut, hand carved creations and folk art, but also have such a wonderful sense of magic and wonder to them. Check out her work, and tell her I sent ya. 😊

That's it from me today. Have a WONDERFUL week.

Actually....let's MAKE it a wonderful week. πŸ–€



Wayne Fick Ltd, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 9FE
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Meaningful Creations

Created by Wayne β€’ Art Director & Brand Designer Wayne Fick

If you are an entrepreneur, online business owner or creator that wants to learn how to create beautiful, consistent, on-brand designs & animations - using simple tools like Canva (yup...the way it's SUPPOSED to be used!) - then this is the place for you! πŸ–€. My weekly 'Meaningful Creations' digest shares insights, tips and creator profiles to inspire you and leave the world a little better than I found it.

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